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Benefits of Adding Pirouette Window Shadings

As we shop for new shades, we often have a list of things we want within a shade. This helps us not only narrow down our options, but it ensures that we achieve our aesthetic and functional window treatment goals. For example, if you are looking for a window treatment that offers benefits like customized designs, easy operation, and UV protection, then you may want to consider our Hunter Douglas Pirouette® Window Shadings. Read on to discover the many benefits of adding Pirouette® Window Shadings to homes.

Benefits of adding Pirouette Window Shadings to homes near Cape Coral, Florida (FL) for added privacy

Benefit 1: Customized Designs 

One of the beautiful benefits of adding Pirouette® Window Shadings to homes is that you can customize them to fit your home’s aesthetic with ease. From a modern, minimalistic home to an apartment that appreciates a boho theme, these shades can be customized to fit in any room. In need of some soft lighting? Or perhaps some extra shade for the bedrooms in your home? Then you are in luck! Pirouette® Window Shadings also come in semi-opaque and room-darkening fabric options for you to choose from. You can even peruse the luxurious fabrics, colors, textures, and hardware available within the Alustra® Collection.

Benefit 2: Easy Operation 

In addition to looking great, another one of the benefits of adding Pirouette® Window Shadings to homes is their easy operation. For example, the available Invisi-Lift™ system not only offers an ethereal look and unobstructed views, but it also offers a cordless design. This means you can easily adjust your shades without feeling like a puppeteer. The cordless design is also a safe option for homes that have small children or pets, as there will be no risk of trips or tangles. 

Benefit 3: UV Protection

Whether it is the peak of summer or the middle of winter, UV protection never lacks importance. In fact, prolonged sun exposure can bleach your home’s flooring, artwork, furniture, and upholstery. That is why another one of the benefits of adding Pirouette® Window Shadings to homes is unparalleled UV protection. This makes Pirouette® Window Shadings an excellent addition to any rooms that see frequent sunlight throughout the day. In fact, our Hunter Douglas Pirouette® Window Shadings can block up to 81 percent of harmful UV when opened and 99 percent when closed. This means that your home can enjoy natural lighting without worry of long-term damage. 


To learn more about the benefits of adding Pirouette® Window Shadings to homes, be sure to contact or visit us today at Blind & Shutter Gallery. We cannot wait to help you find the right window treatment for your home. Whether you are giving one room an upgrade or your entire house, our friendly team of experts is here to help. We are located in Cape Coral, Florida, and proudly serve Southwest Florida, including Sanibel, Captiva, Pine Island, San Carlos Park, Punta Gorda, and Fort Myers, Florida.